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Sozialarbeit des Südens, Bd. 5 - Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen und Gesundheitspolitik - Access to Health Care Services and Health Policy

Ulrike Brizay; Ronald Lutz; Friso Ross (Hrsg.)

Sozialarbeit des Südens, Bd. 5 - Zugang zum Gesundheitswesen und Gesundheitspolitik - Access to Health Care Services and Health Policy
Artikel Nr.: 911
ISBN: 978-3-86585-911-2
ISSN: 1864-5577
Seitenanzahl: 507

Preis: 35,90 EUR



Ulrike Brizay / Friso Ross/ Ronald Lutz: Access to Health Care Services and Health Politics – Worldwide Dimensions, Common Aspects and Regional Differ-ences Re-thinking Health Policies and Politics Mark Lawrence: Imagined geographies of epidemic proportions Thérèse Sacco: Inequality, health, wellbeing and South Africa Ulrike Brizay: Partizipative Forschung an der Schnittstelle zwischen Social Work und Public Health Pedro José Cabrera Cabrera/ Marisa Martínez Fernández: La exclusión sanitaria de los inmigrantes en la Unión Europea: el caso de España Annamarie Bindenagel Šehović: Socializing Public Health - Social Work and Public Health astride the diminishing North-South Divide Kefilwe Ditlhake: Community Development Approach and Environmental Health Issues Viviane Brunne: Public-Private Partnerships im Gesundheits- und Sozialsektor: Erfolgsrezepte und Beispiele aus der Praxis Wolfgang Hees: The role of Social Work in the field of Public Health. Community based harm reduction - new alliances and creative processes Case Studies on Health Policies and Politics Ronald Lutz: Ebola – An African Dilemma. Theses on a Reflexive Health Policy Ulrike Brizay: Häusliche Versorgung von Menschen mit einem Pflegebedarf im Sü-den und im Norden Laetitia Petersen: Social Work in Primary Health Care in South Africa Shahana Rasool: Abused Women’s Experiences of Help-Seeking from Health Ser-vices Michaela Fink/ Reimer Gronemeyer: Couragierte Selbstorganisation: Wie Frauen in Namibia das soziale Leben aufrecht erhalten Marlene de Beer: Culture- and Spiritual Sensitive Healthcare. Assessment and In-tervention Edmarie Pretorius: Community Empowerment and Participation. The missing link in the South African health-care system? Viviana Langher/ Maria Elisabetta Ricci/ Flaminia Propersi/ Andrea Caputo/ Nenad Glumbic/ Angelika Groterath: Inclusion in the Time of Cholera Health Politics and Access to Health Care Services Medy Welicker-Pollak: Health Promotion in the Israeli Educational System Alpay Hekimeler: Anregung zur Einführung einer Pflegeversicherung in der Türkei in Anlehnung an das deutsche Modell - Realität oder Utopie Odireleng Jankey/ Lengwe-Katembula Mwansa: Botswana’s Public Health System in the 21st Century: The case of HIV and AIDS Letlhokwa George Mpedi: Access to health care in the Republic of South Africa Mathias Nyenti: Access to health care in the Republic of Cameroon Jotham Dhemba/ Pumela Mahao/ Simbai Mushonga: A Situation Analysis of Leso-tho’s Health Care Delivery System José Luis Rey Pérez: Una propuesta de replanteamiento del Estado de Bienstar español tras la crisis: los casos de la Asistencia Sanitaria y la Dependencia Lorena Ossio Bustillos: La Salud Pública Intercultural en Bolivia

Weitere Informationen
Health is a valuable asset for every person and it is an individual aim to stay healthy. Whether and how it can be reached, however, depends not only on the individual. Especially when it comes to healthcare, certain conditions and arrange-ments are required. A market of any kind may be an answer how health services can be provided. However, in hardly any region of the world can one rely on that exclusively, rather the state actors influence on healthcare. The way healthcare services are then available in certain countries or regions, is various, ranging from a system of exclusively private providers to national health services. But with all these different answers are always two main questions connected: Are health care ser-vices even offered, and are they sufficient? Are they affordable for everyone? Thus it addresses the central aspect of access to health care services. This is always a debate about social justice in socie-ties and at the same time, a debate about solidarity in societies. Hence, the access to health care ser-vices is a profoundly political debate and public health policy therefore revolves mainly around the issues of allocation and financing. It was recognized early that the national state alone may not be able to cope with the social challen-ges of modern societies, especially with regard to health. So it is no surprise that already the first international agreement of worker protection, known as the Berne Convention of 1906, also had health dimensions as a subject of discussion. Later and also today international agreements, conven-tions and regulations contain numerous facts which focus on health. The right to health, especially the right to access to health care services is enshrined in many international, regional or national standards worldwide. In addition to the "European Social Charter", the "African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights" and the "Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”, it is particularly Art. 12 of the "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights", that guarantees a right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. But what is the use of such international agreements, conventions or regulations in the daily life of individuals? What is the use of such a right to health in practice? Wherever there is a enforceable, litigable and subjective right, every individual is able to enforce this position. But where it does not constitute an enforceable, liti-gable and subjective right, such arrangements are ineffective, so there is no guar-antee of access to healthcare services. Besides one should not misjudge that even with legally enforceable, litigable subjective rights, the question arises how they are to be implemented in their respective context. Therefore, it is understandable and indispensable that in many regions of the world one cannot only bet on the way of juridification, but rather attempt by structural targets to force and grant a high level of healthcare and access to health care ser-vices. The best known are the so-called Millennium Development Goals. With those, a working group consisting of representatives of the UN, the World Bank, OECD and several NGOs implemented a list of eight goals to realize the provisions of the UN Millennium Declaration by the year 2015. Three of these Millennium De-velopment Goals (MDGs) direct to healthcare by creating specifications on the topics "Reduce of child mortality" (MDG 4), "Improving maternal health" (MDG 5) and "Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other major diseases" (MDG 6). A final evaluation of the Millennium Development Goals is still awaited, but it is remarkable what these Millennium Development Goals initiated worldwide and ef-fected in some regions. It is there-fore not surprising that it is thought of a successor model. Thereby the attention will especially focus on the pursued goals and how they are, also financially, weighted. Besides it remains interesting to see if the desired Sustainable Development Goals will complement or even replace the Millennium Development Goals with respect to health care aspects.