Ute Straub, Gerhard Rott & Ronald Lutz: Vorwort; Introduction; Prologo
Ronald Lutz & Alexander Stauss: Border Thinking
Mark Lawrence: Seeing them all? Thinking about institutions, indigenization, and the political ecologies of slums
Stefan Silber: Among Sisters. What Postcolonial Studies
have to say to Liberation Theology
Gerhard Rott: Wertschätzung des indigenen Wissen
durch die katholische Kirche – Genese und aktueller Stand
Straub, Ute: A Relational Worldview – an indigenous
perspective and it’s impact on (extended) Social Work
Indigenized Approaches
Janestic Twikirize: Retracing old paths: Child Care Reform and traditional African Approaches
Kefilwe Ditlhake: Ubuntu/Botho culture: an indigenous African value system and community development
Laetitia Petersen: Indigenised Transformation of the Social Work Curriculum
Lengwe-Katembula J Mwansa & Mompoloki M Bagwasi:Social Work Education and Training in the Aftermath of Colonialism in Africa: The Case of Zambia
Kefilwe Johanna Ditlhake: Centering Decolonisation
Analysis for Indigenous Social Work Education and Practice in South Africa
Marianna Ganje: Green Social Work and Indigenous
Approaches: A comparison
Social Work Practice
Lilly Wildfang: Postcolonial feminist perspectives on women’s empowerment in the context of social development - an example in Kampala, India
Amirtham Thomas & Manuel Hilaria Soundari: Social Work Practice with Indigenous Farming Community in South India
Martin Haus: Participatory rural appraisal and participatory statistics as part of local social work. The example of governmental primary education in Bihar, India
Vladimir Betancur Arias: Liberar la Madre Tierra y liberar el corazón la misma cosa son. Decolonización y lucha por la vida en los procesos comunitarios indígenas del Cauca, Colombia
Hong-Jae Park: Modernising filial piety. The Asian tradition of intergenerational support and its implications for social work practice
Adrian von Breda: Resilience and culture in South Africa: The case of ‘acceptance’
Spirituality and Religion
Ute Straub: Spiritualität und Religion - eine politische Dimension in der Sozialen Arbeit?
Stefan Silber: Transforming Liberation Theology. A postcolonial approach
Anika Dittmann: Feminismen muslimischer Frauen in Deutschland und deren Wahrnehmung
Eva Skoczynski: Die Wiederentdeckung der Religionen. Brasilien als Trendsetter